No one, but Super Sunday HQ, can say they’ve been to the last 8 Maxim Super Bowl Parties AND been to 3 Karma International-Produced MAXIM Parties in the last 12 Months (Super Bowl, Hot 100, Halloween). With amazing celebs, incredible atmosphere, gorgeous social media models, and top-notch performers, Karma International has consistently proven to us that it knows how to throw an over-the-top, fun party.
According to Karma International: “At The 2017 Maxim Party art, fashion, music, and sports collide for the ultimate immersive and exciting party experience with multiple interactive areas, live artistic vignettes, celebrity music performances, theatrical lighting, concert level sound, and several unique activations including the opportunity to participate in thrilling driving experiences.” There’s only one Super Bowl 51 weekend in Houston. Don’t make the mistake of going cheap with one of the many questionable “Eventbrite” parties out there. If this sounds fun to you, then splurge, go for it now, before tables & tickets sell out or increase in price (originally $750). Think you have what it takes to be a Maxim Model? For a limited time, Karma International is accepting applications for “sponsored tickets” for qualifying people. Click the image above to learn more!
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